Public Transportation in Mexico
Updated August 2023
When I decided to moved from the north end of the city to the more central Zona Dorada in Mazatlán, the move changed my daily commute to my gym, making it a straight shot by bus down the Avenida del Mar, the main avenue running parallel to the ocean.
The view from the bus windows is interesting enough on its own. I pass dozens of colorful street stalls selling clingy beach dresses, upscale and working-man open air restaurants and bars, as well as intermittent views of the ocean as I pass.
Lack of zoning laws in Mexico may create problems for residents but it certainly makes for a more interesting bus ride. With so much going on outside, it took a number of trips before I noticed that what was inside the buses was just as interesting as what I saw out the windows.
A saint? The Virgin?
To the right out of the this picture is a drawing of Al Pacino.
Yours might be a comfortable and modern touring bus or it might be one of the beat-up buses with open windows that you expect in Mexico. You never know what you are going to get.
The interiors often have a point of view, demonstrated by graphics displayed in front and sometimes along the entire inside roof of the bus. Buses are contracted out by a city but owned by individuals. Like yachts, some are given names.
This is like having your name on your car...showing pride in your 'house."
Not all are decorated but some interiors have become real canvases. I always wonder how the art got there and what inspired it. Did a favorite driver get permission to choose or does the “Scarface” mural express the tastes of the owner of the bus?
Did someone just come up to the owner and say, “Mind if I graffiti the interior of your bus with a homage to Che Guevara?” Was the artist paid or volunteer? The quilted black leather padding on the oversized steering wheel - whose idea was it, and who paid for it? Why is the quilted black leather padding on the roof of the bus?
Recently, a few panhandlers have appeared on the plusher bus that goes all the way from the northern tip of the city to El Centro in the city’s southern tip. The pan-handler tells the other riders a story of hardship and always includes profuse apologies for being there.
"There is no greater pride for a father than an honest son."
He may play a guitar or he might be wearing workingman’s clothes, as if ready to get off the bus and repair something on the spot if the opportunity arose. In my experience, they have never, ever been in the least intimidating, as I’ve seen panhandlers in my neighborhood of downtown Denver become.
I love Uber and taxis in Mexico. I'm not sure if this life would be possible without them. They get me around quickly and you can have great opportunities to practice your Spanish. These daily bus rides, however, remind me of taking the Metro to work in Washington D.C. years ago. The rides make me feel more like just another resident in her city in Mexico, living her life as a resident rather than a tourist. Some days that's all I want.
Related links:
Traveling from one Mexican town to another is a whole different experience, as these buses are very luxurious. Most expat friends of mine, even those who own cars, often still prefer to take them when traveling in Mexico. Here, Bus Bud gives you "10 Commandments" of taking these buses in Mexico.
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About the author:
Hola - I'm Kerry Baker and am a partner with Ventanas Mexico as well as author of several books.
Recently released: "If Only I Had a Place" a guide to living luxuriously in Mexico for less, along with a listing of rental concierges. Renting is different in Mexico. Learn before you err. My second book is “The Mexico Solution: Saving your money, sanity, and quality of life through part-time life in Mexico.” Most recently I co-wrote The Lazy Expat: Healthy Recipes That Translate in Mexico, a cookbook for travelers, snowbirds and expats trying to eat healthy in Mexico.